I am Bill Resto, a self-taught artist. Inspired by the creativity of others – painters, sculptors, photographers, dancers, and most of all nature. What inspires me?

I find myself constantly astounded and absorbed by light and the beauty it creates. I am also obsessed with color, palete, texture, and mood. Like many of us, my childhood environment was difficult. I coped with stress by seeking beauty in the natural world. Which has led me to cultivate a connection with the beauty and vibrancy of life through my painting.

For the last 20 years, I have been studying and practicing various forms of visual art – photography, drawing and digital art, pastel... And now, with water-based oils I finally feel at home.

I have a passion for exploring...and every piece presents multiple forays. I invite you to choose a path, discovering your own journey ahead. I hope to communicate that life can be full of color, even adventurous, and still serene.

My artistic practice has been a long evolution of discovering what I care about most and how I can best communicate that visually. I paint every day to expand my capacity for facing fear, surrendering control, and listening to my heart. This is also my greatest challenge.

Exploring light, energy and motion together are my guiding principles. Because I share a part of myself in each piece, I truly hope everyone who views my art can experience something that is relatable.

I have lived in San Diego, California since 1987. Before becoming an artist, I worked for the FAA as an air-traffic controller and manager for 37 years. During those years, I happily raised a family and am married to Miki Jo. When I’m not painting, I love to bring nature home by designing my own backyard paradise. And travel is always on the horizon...

“His work explodes with vibrant color, light, movement, and intensity... all without over-powering me. In short, his art is alive. And it makes me feel more alive as the viewer.” – Art Collector